Visualization of machine learning algorithms

Thomas Torsney-Weir

VDA research group, University of Vienna


  • Introduction to Machine learning
  • Vis helping machine learning
  • Machine learning helping vis

What is machine learning?

"A rational agent is one that acts so as to achieve the best outcome or, when there is uncertainty, the best expected outcome"

Russell, Stuart, and Peter Norvig. Artificial intelligence: A modern approach, 2009.

Algorithms that can improve their performance based on training data

What is machine learning?

What is machine learning?

What is machine learning?

What is machine learning?

Types of algorithms

  • Regression
  • Classification
  • Clustering

What to use?

  • Regression: Predict continuous values
  • Classification: Predict discrete values
  • Clustering: Find distributions


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict continuous values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Predict discrete values

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Find distributions

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Find distributions

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Find distributions

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Find distributions

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Find distributions

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.


Find distributions

Bishop, Christopher M. Pattern recognition and machine learning (information science and statistics), 2006.

Types of ML algorithms

  • Regression: Predict continuous values
  • Classification: Predict discrete values
  • Clustering: Find distributions


  • naive Bayes: spam filtering
  • classification: recommender systems
  • neural networks: handwriting recognition
  • HMM: speech recognition

Email filtering

  • is email spam or not?
  • use words as features

\[ P(C=c_k | X=x) = \frac{P(X=x | C=c_k) P(C=c_k)}{P(X=x)} \]

Sahami, Mehran, Susan Dumais, David Heckerman, and Eric Horvitz. “A bayesian approach to filtering junk e-mail,” 1998.

Recommender systems

Handwriting recognition

Speech recognition

Vis and ML

both vis and ML seem to have similar goals: make sense of complex data

Machine learning


Morton, Kristi, Ross Bunker, Jock Mackinlay, Robert Morton, and Chris Stolte. “Dynamic workload driven data integration in Tableau,” 2012.

Who helps whom?


  • Vis helps ML: evaluating models
  • ML helps vis: ML for embedded analysis

Now to the vis part

How do they work together?

  • Building models
  • Validating models
  • Understanding models
  • Embedding ML algorithms

Building models

Building models

  • Meta parameters
  • Parameter selection

What are meta parameters?

Meta parameters control how learning takes place

  • Learning rate
  • Number and size of network layers
  • Slack variables
  • Stopping conditions

Why study meta-parameters?

Why study meta-parameters?

Manual method

Manual method

How to study them?

run a bunch of models and examine outputs

  • design galleries
  • paramorama

Design galleries

Marks, Joe, Brad Andalman, Paul A. Beardsley, William Freeman, Sarah Gibson, Jessica Hodgins, Thomas Kang, et al. “Design Galleries: A general approach to setting parameters for computer graphics and animation,” 1997.

Design galleries

Marks, Joe, Brad Andalman, Paul A. Beardsley, William Freeman, Sarah Gibson, Jessica Hodgins, Thomas Kang, et al. “Design Galleries: A general approach to setting parameters for computer graphics and animation,” 1997.


Pretorius, A. Johannes, Mark-Anthony P. Bray, Anne E. Carpenter, and Roy A. Ruddle. “Visualization of parameter space for image analysis,” 2011.

How to study them?

use a more principled approach

Objective measures

Visual parameter space exploration

  • intro
  • conceptual pipeline
conceptual pipeline

Michael Sedlmair, Christoph Heinzl, Stefan Bruckner, Harald Piringer, and Torsten Möller "Visual parameter space analysis: A conceptual framework" IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. 20(12) 2014.


image segmentation pipeline

Torsney-Weir, Thomas, Ahmed Saad, Torsten Möller, Britta Weber, Hans-Christian Hege, Jean-Marc Verbavatz, and Steven Bergner. “Tuner: Principled parameter finding for image segmentation algorithms using visual response surface exploration,” 2011.

Real-time parameter selection

Lindhart et al. 2018?

Building models

  • Meta parameters can have a large influence on performance
  • Almost all ML algorithms require tuning
  • Manual tuning is time consuming and error prone

Validating and verifying models

What do we mean?

  • How do we know our models are working?
  • model selection
Committee on Mathematical Foundations of Verification, Validation, and Uncertainty Quantification; Board on Mathematical Sciences and Their Applications, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council. Assessing the reliability of complex models: Mathematical and statistical foundations of verification, validation, and uncertainty quantification, 2012.


  • HyperMoVal - local inspection
  • Sliceplorer - global inspection
  • Tuner - error inspection


Piringer, Harald, Wolfgang Berger, and Jurgen Krasser. “HyperMoVal: Interactive visual validation of regression models for real-time simulation,” 2010.

Sliceplorer views

Single layer NN (26 nodes)
SVM (polynomial kernel)
Dual layer NN (5 and 3 nodes)
SVM (RBF kernel)

Torsney-Weir, Thomas, Michael Sedlmair, and Torsten Möller. “Sliceplorer,” 2017.

Tuner error views

Examining multi-dimensional functions

  • error view shows where model is unsure
  • can visually verify the model


Error view
Error view


Error view
Error view

Validating and verifying models

  • Summary statistics are not always enough
  • Balancing multiple objectives is difficult
  • Certain training points might be very important

Understanding models

Who needs this?

  • models are complex
  • the business world likes spreadsheets because they can walk through the calculations

Simple vs complex models


  • few factors
  • small integer factors
  • low-depth trees


  • multi-layer neural network
  • Gaussian process model
  • non-linear
  • many decisions

What does complexity buy us?

  • Global vs local models
  • Deep-learning networks can deal with feature selection
  • Can deal with edge cases


  • interaction
  • walkthroughs
  • simpler models ala LIME (Ribeiro et al. 2016)
  • direct inspection


  • regression: Muhlbacher and Piringer
  • clustering: Dis-function
  • text processing: TagRefinery
  • smaller models: Explanation explorer

Mühlbacher and Piringer

Directly interact with the model building process

Mühlbacher, Thomas, and Harald Piringer. “A partition-based framework for building and validating regression models,” 2013. Best Paper Award.


Build a distance function interactively

Brown, Eli T, Jingjing Liu, Carla E Brodley, and Remco Chang. “Dis-Function: Learning Distance Functions Interactively,” 2012.


Tutorial/walkthrough system

Text processing pipeline
Text processing pipeline

Kralj, Christoph, Mohsen Kamalzadeh, and Torsten Möller. “TagRefinery: A visual tool for tag wrangling,” 2017.


Kralj, Christoph, Mohsen Kamalzadeh, and Torsten Möller. “TagRefinery: A visual tool for tag wrangling,” 2017.


Kralj, Christoph, Mohsen Kamalzadeh, and Torsten Möller. “TagRefinery: A visual tool for tag wrangling,” 2017.

LIME method

Ribeiro, Marco Tulio, Sameer Singh, and Carlos Guestrin. “‘Why should I trust you?’: Explaining the predictions of any classifier,” 2016.

Explanation explorer

Krause, Josua, Aritra Dasgupta, Jordan Swartz, Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs, and Enrico Bertini. “A workflow for visual diagnostics of binary classifiers using instance-level explanations,” 2017.

Direct inspection

e.g. hidden states in a neural network


Strobelt, Hendrik, Sebastian Gehrmann, Hanspeter Pfister, and Alexander M. Rush. “LSTMVis: A tool for visual analysis of hidden state dynamics in recurrent neural networks,” 2018.


Strobelt, Hendrik, Sebastian Gehrmann, Hanspeter Pfister, and Alexander M. Rush. “LSTMVis: A tool for visual analysis of hidden state dynamics in recurrent neural networks,” 2018.


Pezzotti, Nicola, Thomas Höllt, Jan van Gemert, Boudewijn Lelieveldt, Elmar Eisemann, and Anna Vilanova. “DeepEyes: Progressive visual analytics for designing deep neural networks,” 2018.


Pezzotti, Nicola, Thomas Höllt, Jan van Gemert, Boudewijn Lelieveldt, Elmar Eisemann, and Anna Vilanova. “DeepEyes: Progressive visual analytics for designing deep neural networks,” 2018.

Machine learning helping vis


Sacha, D., A. Stoffel, F. Stoffel, Bum Chul Kwon, G. Ellis, and Daniel A Keim. “Knowledge generation model for visual analytics,” 2014.

  • Use the strengths of ML and vis together
    • machines are good at calculating
    • humans are good at intuition
  • Vis assisted by ML algorithms

Book ad!


  • Cluster and calendar view
  • KeyVis
  • FluidExplorer

Cluster and calendar view

Van Wijk, J.J., and E.R. Van Selow. “Cluster and calendar based visualization of time series data,” 1999.

Cluster and calendar view

Van Wijk, J.J., and E.R. Van Selow. “Cluster and calendar based visualization of time series data,” 1999.

Cluster and calendar view

Van Wijk, J.J., and E.R. Van Selow. “Cluster and calendar based visualization of time series data,” 1999.


step 1: cluster the papers based on keywords

Isenberg, Petra, Tobias Isenberg, Michael Sedlmair, Jian Chen, and Torsten Möller. “Visualization as seen through its research paper keywords,” 2017.


step 2: give an interface to this clustering

Isenberg, Petra, Tobias Isenberg, Michael Sedlmair, Jian Chen, and Torsten Möller. “Visualization as seen through its research paper keywords,” 2017.


Bruckner, Stefan, and Torsten Möller. “Result-driven exploration of simulation parameter spaces for visual effects design,” 2010.


Bruckner, Stefan, and Torsten Möller. “Result-driven exploration of simulation parameter spaces for visual effects design,” 2010.


Bruckner, Stefan, and Torsten Möller. “Result-driven exploration of simulation parameter spaces for visual effects design,” 2010.


Brochu, Eric, Tyson Brochu, and Nando de Freitas. “A Bayesian interactive optimization approach to procedural animation design,” 2010.

Understanding models

  • Just an answer is not enough (show your work)
  • Humans have trouble understanding complex models
  • Interactivity can bring people into the model

The future!

Interesting projects

  • More using ML to build models for vis tools
  • More generalized tools
  • Understand what "understandability" means
